Friday, April 6, 2012

We're Alive!

I know, I know - bad mommy blogger!  I haven't posted since Ty was a few weeks old, but for very good reason.  I've been loving on my baby boy, and who can blame me!  So, here's a quick recap of where Tyler is:

Currently 9 1/2 months.  Seriously, where has the time gone?!  It feels like just last week he was a little 6 lb. 10oz. baby coming home from the hospital (well, 6 lb. 4oz. when we left), and now he's over 20 lbs.  Yep - he's a big boy!!

A big ACTIVE boy at that.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  He was a very mellow baby, and once he figured out how to crawl (on January 30th, by the way), he hasn't stopped.  In fact, he's one of the fastest at Day Care, and therefore they moved him to the "Little Movers" room to be around some of the slightly bigger kids.  So basically that means that it's only a matter of time before he starts walking. right?  He could probably do it now, but the kid gets so excited that he starts bouncing.  Imagine Tigger - and you've got Tyler!

He loves music, and drumsticks particularly.  Because he's constantly hyper and loves to drum on things we've taken to calling him Animal. He's even got the clothes to prove it!


He's also getting pretty good at eating!  Three solid meals a day and some snacks.  He's getting very good at putting table foods in to his mouth and chewing, but we're still working on the actual swallowing part!  I don't know, maybe he likes acting like a chipmunk and storing his food!?

If you have some spare time - check out some super cute videos of the kid on my YouTube channel!  Once I get better about posting more frequently I'll post actual videos!