Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a Boy!!

Considering this has taken me a few days to update, most of our friends and family know that we're having a baby boy.  We couldn't be more excited!

I can now say that based on mothers intuition and old wives tales we've been thinking it was a boy all along.  I've been one of the lucky few women to not have morning sickness or any of the other symptoms that are supposed to be synonymous with a baby girl.  Thank you for that dear son of mine!  Plus, I've been gravitating to little boy clothes this whole time - such as this onesie that we picked up right away to share the news of our baby boy!

I have bought a few other things because I just want to stock up - but I admit that I need to slow down!  He was weighing in at 15oz. at 21 weeks, which is on the larger side, per my books.  I didn't ask what percentile he's in, but I'll check with the doctor in a few weeks when I go in for my monthly exam.  However, if he is a big boy, he may be up a size in clothing and out of newborn clothes within a few weeks.

I don't know what the proportions of body apendages should be at this point, but is it just me or does he look to have long legs?  He may have some Tellatin in him after all!!  And, like Rob said - with my height and his athletic ability we could have a future athlete in the making!  Or, as the tech said - if he's a big boy it looks like we may have a hockey player in the family.  I don't think our families will have any problem teaching this little guy all he needs to know about hockey!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We have movement!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen - baby Spinner is in motion!  A few days ago I felt what I was really certain was the baby and I've been recognizing lighter movement of the same capacity the last two days.   Apparently all this baby needed to kick start the activity was a few tacos!

The most accurate way I can describe what I initially felt that made me realize it was the baby was just a little more than subtle thud, where it felt almost as though the baby fell down a step or two in there.  Believe me - I know what it feels like to fall down a step or two - hopefully this baby won't have mommy's coordination!

Ever since that fateful night I've been noticing more subtle, yet similar sensations so I believe it's safe to assume that it's the baby!  At least that's what I'm going to do.  If so - this baby is pretty active in the afternoons, which would explain why the doctor had to keep moving the probe to listen to the heartbeat last week since the baby wouldn't stop moving.  Is this kid a swimmer or a soccer player, or what?!

While it's an amazing sensation - it'll be even better when Rob can feel it by just placing his hand on my belly.  That's what I'm really waiting for!!  Well, and seeing the baby next week.  I love how with Sara and Marty's baby you can see the profile so well and already can tell she has Sara's nose; even though I'm not planning to get a 3-D ultrasound I just can't wait to see the baby's profile now that it is larger than an apple seed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome to our new blog!

As you know, Baby Spinner is due June 27, 2011 and Rob and I couldn't be more excited!  Personally, I am a little nervous too, but at the end of the day I know we'll be great parents so I'm not fretting over my nerves too much.  Rob, however, is just ecstatic and not at all nervous (unless he's hiding it from me).

To chronicle our road to parenthood I decided to put together a family blog to share the goings on with friends and family.  Right now there isn't much to share, but eventually we'll have plenty of fun pictures and videos once the baby comes.

For now we have this ultra sound that I'm more than happy to share.  Can you see the baby in there?!  Maybe, maybe not - that would be because I haven't had an ultra sound since I was about 7 weeks along in the pregnancy.  Considering I am now 20 weeks and 1 day this was taken quite a while ago.  Good news though - we have our anatomy scan scheduled for next week and I can't wait!  Most importantly I want to hear that our baby is healthy but I also want to see that it's happy and hopefully be able to stop saying "it" and "he or she".  Crossing my fingers over here!!

And, one last picture for you...

That's me at 20 weeks - definitely showing!  Please ignore the stupid look on my face.  Puma decided to start "talking" to me at the same moment Rob hit the shutter release on my phone.  I dare you not to laugh when she starts meowing in those situations - you can totally tell what she's wondering!