Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just a quick update

Well, I just wanted to give a quick update... though a lot has happened I haven't been able to blog it due to not being able to log on to Wordpress for a few weeks.  Hence the lack of updates on my food blog too, though most of that is due to laziness and the preoccupation with the baby!

We should get to meet this little guy in about 5 weeks and we're so excited!  I can't wait to see what he looks like, learn his mannerisms and personality, etc.  Of course, I'm most anxious just to hold him in my arms and cuddle with him.

The room is relatively finished but we still have a few things we need to do (finish washing the clothes to put away in the correct spots, hang the curtains and make the name art to hang.)  Now that we've told his name we can get to work on the name art aspect, but again, it all goes back to the whole laziness thing!  I have everything we need though, it's just a matter of breaking out the saw and getting to work.  I can't wait to finish it though so I can share pictures because I know it'll be amazing!

Speaking of the room - here are a few quick pics of the bedding, in various stages:

Puma playing with the bag the bedding came in...

Pinot hanging out in the crib after I put the bedding on to check it out (pre-washing)...

And of course, the bedding, uninterrupted by kittens!

We still have a few things left, but we're getting there.  Next on the list is to pick a pediatrician, get the car seat installed and buy the rest of what we need.  It's all planned though!

I also need to clean the house, but the couch is so much more appealing!

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